domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010


Some people indulge in money, and when asked for some help, they are more than willing to give some greens, and hide behind the iron curtain of greed. Some people indulge in beautifulness, and they sometimes cannot befriend beautiful people unless for convenience. Some people indulge in self-righteousness and are unaware of what is happening around them. I used to indulge a lot in myself, and contrary to what you may expect, I would say of it, I do not consider it as much of a guilt so as to feel embarrassed about it. Because I indulged in my own faults, my own mistakes, and I still can trust people better than me, and I am still able to recognise when I am wrong, and I am still capable of feeling sympathy. What I am no longer capable of, is seeing this world with naïve eyes; something that I terribly miss.

The tenth, will be twenty-five years exactly to the date. I do not look at these people with contempt any longer. I look at them with empathy, as if I would be looking at a mirror myself. I know I can not expect the same thing from most of them, but at least I know that I do it, not to receive something in exchange, but to do what I think is right for my self to proceed.

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Cuentos y Poesías por Cristhian Bourlot se encuentra bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 3.0 Unported.
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