Fire-flies flying round everywhere, beating their soft innermost wings in the warm air. Summer is placed. Year’s end is nearer to its fate. Family gather its loose never-lost members. The the lights of the Christmass tree are glittering. And the village is full of activity. Children playing, singing, enjoying. Elders in the rush of preparing. Just in the nick of time, an old fellow comes from the grand city; uncle Julio. The table is set and the asado is almost ready. We are now sitting at the big table; grandfather, grandmother, and everybody beneath, are gathered in holy communion. We have still not forgotten, the sacred commandment, have we forgiven?; be one and no one shall bother thee; do commit and be family, because there beyond there’s only solitude, the plain of disgrace, and the broad road of vacuity. But, is it?
Cuentos y Poesías por
Cristhian Bourlot se encuentra bajo una Licencia
Creative Commons Atribución 3.0 Unported.
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